Citation Information :
Thrisha S, Nibedita KS, Jogdand RP, Ghosh KB, Singh A, Nagarathna R. Influence of integrative medicine on grade 2 obesity: a single case report. Integr Med Case Rep 2023; 4 (1):18-21.
This present study is about the case of obesity (Grade 2) who had visited Arogyadhama (SVYASA University, Bangalore). The patient's motive was to reduce body weight. After consistent yoga practices, naturopathy treatments and acupuncture for over a period of three months we observed a significant reduction in her body weight. With sustained treatments and adoption of said techniques, the quality of the patient's lifestyle is improved accompanied by improvement in, immunity, mobility and muscular strength. The presented case study examines the application of Integrative Approach of yoga and naturopathy practices for the enhancement and maintenance of the said patient's health profile.
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