Integrative Medicine Case Reports

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( July, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Efficacy of Yoga therapy as Non-pharmacological management in Women with High-risk Pregnancy: A Single Case Report

Reshma P. Jogdand, Satyapriya Maharana, R. Nagarathna, Anuradha Kanana, Santosh, Suryanarayana

Keywords : High-risk Pregnancy, Pregnancy induced Hypertension, Placental pathology, Yoga therapy, Meditation, Pranayama

Citation Information : Jogdand RP, Maharana S, Nagarathna R, Kanana A, Santosh, Suryanarayana. Efficacy of Yoga therapy as Non-pharmacological management in Women with High-risk Pregnancy: A Single Case Report. Integr Med Case Rep 2023; 4 (2):56-60.

DOI: 10.38205/imcr.040256

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 15-06-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; Swami Paramhansa Swastha Siksha Evam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti


This present case study is about a High-risk Pregnancy that includes Pregnancy-induced Hypertension and an abnormal range of Uterine artery pressure, 22 years old female consulted to Gynaecologist for a complaint of missing menstrual cycle. They were diagnosed with Pregnancy positive with the help of a urinary pregnancy test (UPT). In the 13th week, as per a routine follow-up gone for an antenatal ultrasound scan report shows a There is a single live intrauterine gestation with an abnormal range of Right uterine artery PI and left uterine artery PI and diagnosed as a high-risk pregnancy. After a week, time patient has given a blood sample for a thyroid profile. Reports revealed that TRI IODO THYRONINE (T3)-2.13H and THYROXINE (T4) 21.9 H are in the higher range and noticed blood pressure range in higher side diagnosed as Pregnancy induced Hypertension (PIH)High-risk pregnancy will affect both mother and fetus in its way, on mother side, it increases blood pressure called preeclampsia and affects fetal growth result in Intrauterine growth restriction, premature birth, Stillbirth. After the 13th week of Pregnancy diagnosed with high-risk Pregnancy, patients are introduced to yoga therapy, including Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, etc., for three days a week regularly till the date of delivery and followed case till delivery. Yoga helps normalize blood pressure and impacts pregnancy outcomes as a standard range of APGAR score in babies and healthy birth weight. It does not show any complications of High-risk Pregnancy on the maternal and fetal side.

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