Citation Information :
Anusha R, Jogdand RP. Immediate effect of yogic chair breathing in diagnosed copd patient due to smoking addiction: a case report. Integr Med Case Rep 2022; 3 (2):54-59.
A 54 years old male patient with K/C/O-COPD, was diagnosed in August 2015 and receiving LAMA (Long-acting muscarinic antagonists) in the last 6 years. The patient had a history of smoking in the past 25 years. In 2015, an X-ray showed hyperinflated in the lungs, a CT scan showed enlargement of the left pulmonary artery, and a pulmonary Function test, FEV1 = 48%. In March 2022 participant came to the hospital in Bangalore with complaints of shortness of breath, breathlessness, coughing, and insomnia. Then he was advised to practice yogic chair breathing for 45 minutes. There was a significant improvement in relieving symptoms like shortness of breath and breathlessness. The present case study is to assess the effect of chair breathing (YCB).
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