The efficacy of selected acupuncture points UB 2, TW 23, GB 37, GB 1, EX 3, on myopia – case report
G. Tamilarasi, N. Mangaiarkarasi, L. Anto Princy
Keywords :
Myopia, Acupuncture
Citation Information :
Tamilarasi G, Mangaiarkarasi N, Princy LA. The efficacy of selected acupuncture points UB 2, TW 23, GB 37, GB 1, EX 3, on myopia – case report. Integr Med Case Rep 2022; 3 (2):51-53.
Myopia is a community health problem worldwide. The cause of myopia is both equally environmental and genetic risk factors. It occurs in more than 50% of the people in many developed countries and is approximate to be very high; the risk associated with axial elongation from myopia is the 6th foremost leading cause of blindness. People with undiagnosed short-sightedness including eyestrain and headache from stress clearly glimpse things in space. Short-sightedness also can be the outcome of the vision outermost of the cornea that is too curved for the level of the eyeball or a lens that is too solid. Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most typically used balancing and opportunity scientific treatments around the globe. Acupuncture is the training of inserting and manipulating needles into the superficial skin, subcutaneous tissue, and mucks of the body at specific acupuncture points. This study aims to find the effect of acupuncture points on vision and the power of the lens in people with myopia.
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