General health Status and Tridosha analysis of urban high-risk Diabetes after 3- month Diabetes Yoga Protocol: a pilot study
Kalyan Maity, Navneet Kaur, Rakesh Malik, Gurmeet Singh, Neeru Malik
Keywords :
Anxiety, Quality of Life, Tridosha, Diabetes Yoga Protocol, Urban population, Indian Diabetes Risk Score
Citation Information :
Maity K, Kaur N, Malik R, Singh G, Malik N. General health Status and Tridosha analysis of urban high-risk Diabetes after 3- month Diabetes Yoga Protocol: a pilot study. Integr Med Case Rep 2022; 3 (1):4-11.
Background and Purpose: Stress and anxiety have been closely related to insulin resistance, early appearance of diabetes, and enhanced diabetes progression. Stress and anxiety also have a negative effect on patients' general health status and quality of life. In earlier study Yoga has been proven as an effective intervention for prevention, treatment, risk reduction of diabetes, preventing conversion from prediabetes to diabetes, and reducing diabetes complications. The present study was aimed to identify the diabetes high-risk population and to analyze the effect of 3-month DYP on General health, anxiety, quality of life, and Tridosha in the urban high risk for diabetes population.
Method: A total of 12 participants were selected for the present study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and screened through the IDRS scale. Five participants were included in the study based on IDRS score (≥60). General health, quality of life, State and Trait Anxiety, and Tridosha were measured at baseline and after 3 months of Diabetes Yoga Protocol by self-administrated questionnaires.
Result: Results showed significant reduction in STAI (p = 0.001) and significant improvement in GHQ-12 (p = 0.022*), Physical health (p = 0.018*), Psychological health (p = <0.001), Environment (p = <0.001), Total WHOQOL (p = 0.001), Vata (p = 0.007**), Pitta (p = 0.032*) and total Tridosha (p = 0.002**) score after 3-month of DYP.
Conclusion: DYP helps in improving, not only the general health, quality of life but also reduces the anxiety levels and Tridosha scores in the urban high-risk Diabetic population.
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