Citation Information :
Sabharwal P, Fagen J, Dada R, Sharma A, Kaushik CS, Chaturvedi A, Bhardwaj P. Integrating bioinformatics and epigenetics with Ayurveda-a possible contribution towards COVID-19 fight. Integr Med Case Rep 2020; 1 (2):39-44.
Background: The entire world is struggling from the COVID-19 pandemics. Scientific community all around the world have been looking for any possible measure to fight against this dreadful disease. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, has immense potential to contribute towards this pandemic both in prevention and management. But Ayurveda fraternity has the challenge to explain the available possible measures in contemporary language. The science of bioinformatics & epigenetics has provided possibility for scientific & contemporary explanation of Ayurvedic interventions.
Summary: This paper is an attempt to discuss about various possibilities and challenges from Ayurveda perspective against COVID-19 in the purview of Ayurinformatics and Epigenetics.
Key messages: Ayurinformatics have been applied successfully earlier to infectious diseases & scientists have screened many phytochemicals from medicinal plants in silico against covid 19. Further with the advance knowledge of epigenetics, intervention of Ayurveda on different expressed variants of coronavirus with intervention of screened phytochemicals discovered in silico with the knowledge of science of ayurinformatics will certainly contribute towards the fight with covid 19.
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