Integrative Medicine Case Reports

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 2 ( July, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Non-surgical approach towards uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst with Yoga practice

Purnandu Sharma, Ranjana Chhabra, Amit Singh, Reshma P Jogdand

Keywords : Yoga, Uterine fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, Non-Surgical Approach, Complimentary Medicine

Citation Information : Sharma P, Chhabra R, Singh A, Jogdand RP. Non-surgical approach towards uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst with Yoga practice. Integr Med Case Rep 2020; 1 (2):28-31.

DOI: 10.38205/imcr.010228

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 15-06-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; Swami Paramhansa Swastha Siksha Evam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti


A case of a 43 years old female with uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst was managed by an alternative, Non-surgical approach of yoga intervention. Yoga was practised under supervision daily twice a day for three months showed significant recovery from ovarian Cyst and reduction in uterine fibroid size. A diagnosis, where surgery was suggested as the only option, yoga has been found to be effective treatment modality in prevention and management.

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