Integrative Medicine Case Reports

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 2 ( July, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Mindfulness and yoga halt the conversion of pre-diabetic rural women into diabetics-a pilot study

Navneet Kaur, Neeru Malik, Deepali Mathur, Surinder Pal, Rakesh Malik, Sumit Rana

Keywords : Glycated Haemoglobin, Diabetic Yoga Protocol, Indian Diabetes Risk Score, Prediabetes

Citation Information : Kaur N, Malik N, Mathur D, Pal S, Malik R, Rana S. Mindfulness and yoga halt the conversion of pre-diabetic rural women into diabetics-a pilot study. Integr Med Case Rep 2020; 1 (2):7-14.

DOI: 10.38205/imcr.010207

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 15-06-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; Swami Paramhansa Swastha Siksha Evam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti


Background and Purpose: A plethora of studies have been conducted in the past, which have proven the salutary effects of yoga practice. Yoga and other mind body techniques are deemed as stress relievers and have shown therapeutic effectiveness in preventing the development and progression of several lifestyle diseases including Diabetes. Yoga practice may help in managing Diabetes by regulating the glucose levels in blood. In this study we have evaluated the efficacy of three months of AYUSH-approved Diabetic Yoga Protocol (DYP) on high-risk individuals. Methods: Thirty three high-risk female participants with Indian Diabetes Risk Score (IDRS) ≥60 was recruited for a period of three months. The participants were divided into Diabetic Yoga Protocol Group (N = 18) and Control Group (N = 15). Alteration for selected glycemic, psychological, and anthropometric parameter of individuals was examined at the baseline and after three months of Yoga practices. Results: The three months of Yoga practice demonstrated significant changes on the levels of HbA1c (p = 0.010), Body Mass Index (BMI) (p = 0.006), sustained attention (p = 0.012), general health (p = 0.002), state anxiety (p = 0.001), perceived stress (p = 0.004), IDRS (p<0.001) and overall Quality of life (p<0.001). However, no significant changes were seen for Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS), and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR). While, in the control group, IDRS (p = 0.019) was significantly increased, significant decrease in BMI (p = 0.011) and state anxiety (p = 0.016) was observed. However, no significant changes were seen in HbA1c, FBS, WHR, Sustained Attention, General Health, Perceived Stress and Overall QOL. Conclusion: The findings of the present study are suggestive of DYP as a possible application for public health intervention regime for women.

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